Friday, June 29, 2012

Is My Blog Writing too "Deep" for Blogging?

 Addendum: I appreciate any and all feedback, especially when it is constructive (as all of the comments, thus far have been). But, let me be clear about something; while I write a post like this, it is more out of curiosity (and this is not in reference to any of the comments thus far, it is just something I want to be clear about). I have learned in the past not to open myself up too much (which this post borders on) when it comes to getting people's opinions about my style of blogging and/or writing; as Matt below notes, blogging is what it is, and ultimately it is quite a "selfish" thing sometimes. I don't blog for notoriety, and I actually don't blog to do "formal" writing; I blog and write as a blogger in a bloggy way. If anyone wants to read how I write in a non-bloggy way, then get our book; or I can send you my Master's thesis or something. But I am not really interested in getting critiqued about my grammar, punctuation, or particular conventions I use when doing "bloggy" writing; that is what it is, and blogging, for me, is usually done in a hurry (w/o having to worry about such constraints ... even though I try to be as accurate as possible). I just want to be clear, thanks. And, peace.

Are my posts too "weighty" for the blog venue? I mean, do they get too nuanced, and "deep" (as far as the material I am trying to cover) for the blog medium? I am asking for at least a couple of reasons.

  1. My blog is currently dying on the vine. My stats (hits at the blog) have exponentially been shriveling over the last couple of months.
  2. I have been looking around at other blogs in the theo-blogosphere---and except for some rarer exceptions---most of the posting I see going on is more pop-cultured, and/or, at least, less academically oriented than what my posts seem to be driven by (which is usually---and selfishly at points) whatever I happen to be reading on at the moment (since I blog to learn).
Anyway, your feedback would be helpful.


  1. I very much enjoy reading what you have to say and I like to think I thrive on the more meatier writings. However, and I fear this is my bad and definitely not yours if I start to read something that's particularly intellectual and is pretty long, I'll skim it and be less inclined to engage.
    For me as the reader I have to be challenged to engage in what the writer is offering and perhaps you're right in wondering as the writer what is it that people who frequent blogs like to read. Or perhaps how can you articulate in a more friendlier way your current musings without dumbing down what you have to say.
    Having said that I genuinely think who am I to dictate how you write. Especially considering the quality of your writing. It's a shame that culture may dictate you change your style cause we're not willing to fully engage writings that are academic.

    1. Ferg,

      I truly appreciate your feedback! I think you are right, and I am glad that you are willing to press along with me :). I won't be changing my style, but I will try to be (sometimes) more cognizant of the fact that I there are various audiences who "might" want to read me. Thanks!

  2. Bobby, you've got to write what you write. And you've got to write it for yourself. You've got a more accessible style than I do, certainly, and you handle interesting materials and topics.

    In my experience, the different kinds of things I write get different audiences. I get one audience for my pastoral exegesis, another for my academic exegesis, another for my Barth stuff, and so on. And there's some people that seem to read me whatever I write, God bless 'em. And sometimes it tempts me, looking at the hits and what gets picked up elsewhere, to write more of that to be popular—you know, "give the people what they want." But I can't do too much of that, or I stop wanting to write—or I stop writing what I want.

    But if I had one piece of advice, which connects deeply with your next post, it would be that having very public arguments with people isn't a reliable way to garner a broad audience.

    Honestly, the only reliable way I've gotten the audience I have is conferences, and networking. But I say that, and my all-time pageviews are half of what yours are on this version of the site alone. And you've got quite the network of people yourself, plenty of whom actively comment, which is something I've never had.

    You've got to be you. Don't worry about being too deep for the format. That's not possible. And as to too nuanced ... if I have something to complain about in a post, it's not too nuanced, trust me. ;)

    1. Matt,

      Thank you. You're totally right. I have always blogged really just as an out-let for myself, and that has been good enough for me for years; and it will continue to be :). But sometimes it is easy to fall into watching "stats." Anyway, good words.

  3. Remember there are those of us who subscribe to all your feeds and may not be reflected in your blog stats.

    I posted this annonymously just to goad you. I still love you though. ;-)


  4. I love that your posts are, in fact, "weighty". There is far too much intentional distancing from these matters, I believe, and I appreciate your exposition.

  5. Hi Bobby, I appreciate your writing as I too have been considering TF Torrance and other such writers. Keep up the good work.

    How can I here in New Zealand get your book?


    1. Hi Roger,


      I thought you were going to pick one up from Myk at Carey Baptist College in NZ? No? If not, then you can order one directly from the publisher or wait a couple of weeks and buy one off of You can find the publisher's info and ordering details buy clicking on the link I have in my sidebar that says "buy our book."

  6. I enjoy your writing, Bobby, though at times, I have felt challenged to understand them as deeply as I would like - and that is a good thing. Some subjects lend themselves to a deeper treatment. Another comment I would make on my behalf is that I sometimes get pretty busy and don't get to read your blog as often.

    1. Thanks, Jerome. Some of my posts are rather stream of consciousness; so it makes it more difficult for the reader, I know. But I am glad that they still cause others, like yourself, to press further too. Blessings, my brother. I know what you mean about being busy!

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